Meeting Minutes – August 18, 2024

Attendees: Brian B, Lauren K, Hayley F, Will K, Roberto G, Casey X

Attendees introduced themselves, then the facilitator gave a brief explanation of the Socialist Party national, state, and local structure as background for first-timers. The group discussed the party’s multi-tendency philosophy and discussed other groups active in the area, such as the DSA, Working Class Party, and the Socialist Rifle Association. Sharing of SP issues and campaigns with other groups in order to bring in new potential members was discussed throughout the meeting.

Members were reminded that they can stay in contact with the local through the following online links:

Mailing list:

Those who attended the Socialist Party USA National Organizing Convention discussed their impressions of the event. Videos from the NOC are posted on

The group discussed the ongoing Stodden/Cholensky Presidential campaign. The campaign is hosting livestreams that are archived on The group discussed the possibility of former Baltimore resident and Vice Presidential candidate Stephanie Cholensky visiting the local for its next meeting in October, and perhaps holding a separate social event during that weekend. The local is planning to file for certified write-in status for the Stodden/Cholensky campaign.

The group is planning to distribute a short current events article electronically and at the October 6 meeting, and then host an online discussion for sometime in November.

Attendees were asked to save the date for a year-end event to be hosted on Saturday, December 14.

Remaining meetings in 2024 will be held October 6 and December 1, 2pm at Red Emma’s.